Saturday, July 29, 2006

I Don't Feel 40!

Well, my birthday's over. Nothing too exciting happened. My brother gave me the Trivial Pursuit 90's edition and I talked my wife into buying me the Marvel Legends Monster action figure set. I went to some yard sales and Goodwill, bought myself some more junk. My wife and I went to Cracker Barrel for my birthday meal (they have their Halloween stuff out already). I had the fried chicken livers. Yum-O! And now I'm ending the day by watching the Hee Haw Weekend on CMT.



  1. Horribly Happy Birthday a tad late!

    Turning 40 couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!

    Kepp havin' birthdays and you know what that'll lead to, don't you?

    Thanks for the Heat Miser song! Hadn't heard in 30 odd years! (REALLY ODD years!)

    Max the drunken severed head

  2. Happy 40th Birthday Erick from a fellow "FaLaLaLaLa'er"!
    Hope you had a memorable one!

    And thanks for including my blog in your "links" section!

    Much appreciated!


  3. Thank you for checking out my little blog, Capt. I look at your blog daily to see what's new in your Christmas CD collection. I really enjoy it.

