Wednesday, August 16, 2006

America's Walk For Diabetes

Recently I accepted the challenge of walking in the American Diabetes Association's Walk for Diabetes annual fund-raising event (I've been walking for over 10 years). I am involved because I believe in and support the Association's mission: to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. Diabetes runs in my family, my brother and I have it and our parents were both diabetic.

You, too, can help by supporting my fund-raising efforts with a generous contribution. Your tax-deductible gift will make a difference to the more than 20 million American adults and children who are affected by this disease, and another 40 million who are at risk for developing diabetes.

Now it's faster and easier than ever to support this great cause! You can make your donation online with a credit card just by clicking the link at the bottom of this message.

You can learn more about the American Diabetes Association, its programs and diabetes in general at For more information on America's Walk for Diabetes, please visit

As the number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes increases, your generous gift will help us move one step closer to finding a cure! I greatly appreciate your support.

Diabetes can lead to blindness, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and amputations. Common signs of diabetes are extreme thirst, frequent urination, and/or unexplained weight loss. You are at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes if you are: African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Asian American or Pacific Islander; Over age 45; Underactive; Overweight or obese; Someone with a family history of diabetes; A woman who has had a baby weighing more than nine ponds at birth. To take the diabetes risk test online, visit

All donations should be made by Oct. 8. That's when I walk. Thank you.

To donate online, click here.

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