Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Pittsburgh Comicon Photos

Here's some photos from The Pittsburgh Comicon. To see all of the photos, visit my flickr page.

T-shirt by comic legend George Perez.

Star Wars Chewbacca - Peter Mayhew.
Artist Mike Grell's autograph.

Monster stuff I bought for $7.00.

Martian Manhunter and Aquaman (thanks to paulv70 from The Pittsburgh Comicon Yahoo! Group for letting me use some of his photos).

1980 issue of The Hulk magazine autographed by artist Joe Jusko.

Superfreeks cards by artist RAK.

Colorist Tom Smith (above) and artist Neil Vokes and writer Bob Tinnell (below). All three are members of The Universal Monster Army. If you are a fan of classic monster movies and all the toys that go with them, I suggest you join this group. Neil and Bob are the creators of several horror comics, such as The Black Forest, which I bought from them and hope to read soon.
My 14 year old son, Kenny, and my 6 year old nephew, Seth, swimming in the hotel pool.

The End!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erick, it's Gareth from the UK here. I have a request, I'm trying to get hold of the Howard The Duck soundtrack, and the only place I have found it (so far) was on a blog which you visited and commented on a few months back - Locnar13's Movie Grooves - unfortunately there is no link for the download anymore. Is there any chance you could help me out ? Hope so, thanks for your time. Gareth (PS I love the Fester look :O)
