Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hulk Love Fruit Pies!

Two of my favorite subjects -- The Hulk and fruit pies! From a 1976 comic book. (Click on the picture for a larger image.)


  1. The lemon by far was/is (Are they still available - surely - but I haven't seen them like I used to) the best - but that could just be a matter of personal taste.

    Anyways - just wanted to drop a line - love the insights and similar interests. Keep up the great work!

  2. Erick, several days ago I posted something for you over at that Greatest Hits Albums blog...did you see it?
    I did a quickie search and found it right here:
    Downloadable as a 4.7mb MP3. Page also shows the lyrics!

  3. I did see that. Thank you very much. I had forgetten about that song until you mentioned it. I was a big fan of the whole Luke and Laura thing back in the day.
