Thursday, November 01, 2007

I'm Done...

Not with the blog, just the Halloween posts. I had a great time sharing all my monsterous memories with everyone. I hope you enjoyed it also. I'm going to take some time off from blogging (maybe a week or so) to get some stuff done that I've been neglecting the past month. Thanks to everyone that took the time to leave comments, I'll try to respond to most of them in the next few days. I'm also a few days behind on reading all of the other blogs that participated in the Halloween Countdown. I have a lot of catching up to do. Thanks again and I hope you had a wonderful Halloween.


  1. Many thanks for all the treats this year. Looking forward to your return. Best wishes.

  2. Thanks for the halloween shares and posts. Upon your return, would you please repost your classic cartoon christmases? Thanks very much.

  3. Great job, Erick! I'm glad I talked you into it. Go take that well deserved rest. I know how badly it's needed. See you in a bit.

  4. Eddie - I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Anonymous - I'll probably re-up those after Thanksgiving.

    John - I'm glad too. Now I must rest. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
