Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Parents At Halloween

My parents were really cool. We always decorated the house for Halloween with those old paper decorations and and jack-o-lanterns and my dad gave out candy to the trick-or-treaters. Here's some pictures of them in costume...

Dad and mom clowing around, probably from the early 1970's.

My mom the witch, also early 70's.

In 1984 the movie Revenge of the Nerds was popular. My brother, mom, dad and I dressed up as the Nerd family (that's me in the bow tie). We went to a Halloween party given by an orginazation that my parents belonged to and shared first prize for "Best Family Costume" with another family.


  1. oh man, we got to be related...
    you raided my closet...


  2. Man, your parents were sure fun. And you're lucky to have those great photos! Thanks again for sharing, Erick.

  3. Thanks Max, Jeremy and Stephen. I'm glad you like the photos. My parents were a lot of fun. I sure do miss them.
