Sunday, October 28, 2007

Trick-Or-Treat, Smell My Feet...

They had trick-or-treat (or beggar's night as my mom used to call it) city-wide here in Akron Saturday from 5 to 7 PM. The weather started out OK (the temp. was in the 50's) but around 6 o'clock it started raining. When I began handing out candy I had 142 pieces. At the end I had 70 left. Sunday afternoon they are having trick-or-treat on our street. Maybe I'll give out the rest then. ***UPDATE*** Sunday I only gave out three pieces of candy.

I'm ready to give out the treats

The front of my house

Skeleton groom and bride

My first trick-or-treater at around 5:30 PM
It was a girl in a pretty cool skeleton costume

Left over candy in the cauldron


  1. Cool neighborhood!

    It remains me the Halloween's saga!!

    I always wanted to live in a place like yours.

    Great blog, congratulations!

    Greetings from Europe.
