Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving At My House


Here's a few old photos of Thanksgiving dinner at my parents house. We never did anything too spectacular. Mom made a big meal and we watched the parade and football. It was usually just me, my brother, mom and dad. As I've done for the past ten years or so, I'm spending Thanksgiving at my in-law's house this year.
1988 - Mom, my brother and dad digging in

1989 - Me, mom and my brother

1995 - Dad and mom (nice job getting their faces in the photo)

1995 - Me buttering my rolls


  1. have a safe and hearty holiday...


  2. hey erick,

    very well done blog and beautfiful to look at. wanted to know if you could help me out. i got your blog linked to my two blogs. the new one's a video post blog. check it out and leave comments if you can. here is the addy

    you got my other blog linked already. Inferno Music Crypt. thanks man!

    thanks in advance if you can help. keep that awesome blog going. take care pal.


    ps. Have a happy thanksgiving pal! :D

  3. Jeremy and Michael, Happy Turkey Day to you too! Gooble, gobble!
