Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's Coming...

October is almost here. That means it's almost time for the Halloween Countdown!

The Halloween Countdown is where a bunch of bloggers post something Halloweenie every day in October. I did this last year and it was fun. It was also very hard. I'm not real good at planning ahead. But, I'm gonna try to get some stuff together early and wing the rest of it. Wish me luck.

If you have a blog and want to participate, leave me a comment. I'll post a list of the Halloween bloggers on October 1st. Also, be sure to let John at John and Jon at Random Acts of Geekery know if you are participating.


  1. Erick,
    Looking forward to your Halloween countdown.
    I'm starting mine on October 1st too.
    Here's my blog:

  2. Will try to follow along on my blog this year....not sure how regularly I'll be able to come up with something different each day this time around, though. :-)

  3. We're off til the 5th, but you know we'll be posting every day after that!

  4. yeah baby I'm in! It will be a blast!

  5. I'm in! It's always so complex getting everyone chiming in in one place so that we can have links lists ready to go on the first.

  6. I'll be jumping in on my art blog - posting a Halloween based illustration every day! :)

  7. I was planning to do a countdown this year but a lot of the stuff I had made ready in advance I've since noticed show up on various blogs in addition to which I had 2 hard drives die on me in a row and lost a lot of stuff this year so taking all that into account I'm not sure I'm going to be able to find something to make a post every day in Oct. now, but I'll still try - definitely will be making posts even if I miss some days.

  8. I will definitely be counting-down this year... I've been slaving away on my mix for nearly a month now and finally got it "in the can" this morning! I can't wait!
