Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 1996


I first met my wife in March of 1996. This is our first Halloween together. I took her son trick-or-treating (he's dressed as a scarecrow) at the apartment complex I used to live at. My future wife (wearing a Cat in the Hat hat) gave out candy to all of the beggars.
Here we are at BOO at the Akron Zoo.
We visited this local house that does does a huge display for Halloween. They even have a mini haunted house in the garage that you can go thru. Sadly, I hear this year is the last year for the display because the guy is ill.
Here I am with some clown I used to work with. I had an Alice Cooper thing going on.
Trick-or-treat night at my honey's house (now our house). This is the only time my wife has put on a costume. And as you can see my make-up didn't come off easily.

Be sure to come back later today for my last post in the Halloween Countdown 2008!

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