Sunday, October 05, 2008

We Interupt The Countdown For This Special Message

Thank you to everyone who supported me in the Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes. I raised a total of $230.00. It was a beautiful day for a walk, the temperature was in the 60's. I wimped out and did the two mile walk instead of the five mile walk like I usually do. It's a good thing I did though, they ran out of Subway subs before all of the five mile walkers got back :)

Here's the photos taken by me and my son --

Me and Zippy, the Akron U mascot.

Me and the Country Diner Bear.

These next two photos feature the back of my son (in the black hoodie). He didn't want me to take his picture.

The geese were mocking us as we walked through their poop.

The Gojo building. It's kinda blurry because I took it while I was walking.

I was unaware that there was a street dedicated to Paul Williams!?!

Thanks again to everyone who contributed. I really appreciate it.

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