Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mego Meet 2009

It's almost time for the fifth annual Mego Meet. The convention is being held June 5th and 6th at the Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum in Wheeling, WV and is sponsored by the Mego Museum.

What is Mego Meet?

"Mego Meet is a chance for the Mego toy collectors community, (people interested in the great things put out by the toy company Mego) to get together in person to trade and buy parts and action figures, sit in on sessions designed to educate and answer questions about Mego Corporation and the Toys they made, but more than anything a chance to hook up with friends and fellow collectors live and in person, instead of over the internet."

This year's guests include --

Paul "Dr. Mego" Clarke (repro parts) from EMCE Toys (Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, NOTLD).

Cast-A-Way Toys (The Phantom and Captain Action).

Art Baltazar (DC Comics Tiny Titans).

They will also have a custom auction, mego seminars and a dealers room featuring vintage toys, action figures, custom parts and more.

Here's some random videos from past Mego Meets courtesy of palitoy--

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