Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Halloween Photos - 1970s

Here's some of my favorite old Halloween photos of me, my family and friends. I've shared most of these before, but you you can never see too many old photos. I'm gonna post these by decade, first up is the 70s.

I think these first two photos are from the early 70s. I'm not real sure, there were no dates on the photos.
Halloween Early 70's?
Dad and Mom clowning around.

Halloween Early 70's
Mom the witch.

Halloween 1972
1972 - The Super Brothers! My brother Scott and me.

Halloween 1975
1975 - Tom, me, Scott, Joyce and Kelly.

Stars Hall Of Fame 1976
1976 - This one's not from Halloween. But it's one of my favorite photos. My brother and me with Frankie at the Stars Hall of Fame Wax Museum in Florida (sadly it's no longer there).


  1. So funny. Thanks for sharing. Clowns scare me.

  2. Wonderful! I especially like the Superman/Batman shot. The expressions are great

  3. Those are great pictures. Love vintage Halloween shots!!

    Ah, those plastic masks...brings back memories :)


  4. Hi Erick...
    You are absolutely right that you can never view too many old Halloween photos and these are GREAT! I am one of those who did not get to see them before, so I am glad you posted them again. I actually posted some of my own as well. I love that your whole family was into the holiday, no wonder you love it so! And your hair cuts are adorable. I think I had a similar cut in the 70's called the Dorothy Hamill...ha! Mine was shorter than yours though. :o)

    On a separate note, I just wanted to let you know that you were one of the two winners chosen for my "Swinging at the Seance" CD Give Away on my blog. I let each of my kids select a name from my witch's hat and my daughter pulled yours. If you are still interested in receiving the CD, send me an email with a mailing address. And if you wish to pass, then let me know and I'll select another name. I think you'll like it if you like the old 'Big Band' greats and Hallowe'en! I posted the Winners on the 10th, but wasn't sure if you knew.

  5. Great shots!

    Those clowns, tho... they would give John Wayne Gacy the creeps!
