Saturday, October 31, 2009


Well, here it is, the most wonderful time of the year! I can't believe I made it. A post every day in October. They may not have all been great posts, but there was one every day. Thank you to everybody who stopped by this year. I really appreciate it. I hope you found something entertaining or at least mildly amusing.

My only plan for tonight is to hand out candy to the kids trick or treating.

I'll probably take a week or two off from blogging (unless somebody famous dies). I might spend the time looking at all of the Halloween blogs I missed during the month. Hopefully when I come back I'll have the Favorite TV Theme Song compilation ready. Check out that post and leave a comment on your favorite themes.

And now I leave you with some photos from WTF Costumes --



  1. Yeah....those are funny, yet so disturbing. WTF is a perfect description! Happy Halloween to you Erick!

  2. Great job on the Halloween Countdown -Thanks for sharing all your great Halloween photos!

  3. Hi, just discovered your blog and I love it. I posted a link to it on my blog:
    Could you return the favor? Thanks and Happy Haollowen!

  4. How many trick or treaters did you get? I'm always curious about others since I get none! (Of course in Japan, there's little opportunity...)

  5. Thanks for another great countdown, Erick. I really enjoyed seeing the monster files again. It reawakened my youthful bewilderment at the inclusion of Buck Rogers and some of the others.

    I'm also enjoying the wtf costumes. I have to say, I really like those minimalist daleks.

    I hope you had a great Halloween.

  6. Thanks everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween.

    Uncle Mike - Done.

    Michael Jones - We had almost 100 trick or treaters. Not too bad for the temp. being in the 40s.

    John Rozum - Thank you for putting this all together. Let's do it again next year :)

  7. Thanks for the blog posts, I love learning about and seeing things I'm not familiar with related with Halloween. I'm glad I stumbled onto your blog.

    BTW- Captain Planet FTW!

  8. Yes, you definitely did an awesome job with the countdown as always!

    That Starfire was HOT!!!

    I checked out WTFcostumes since I never heard of it, and that's quite an amusing site! lol
