Friday, October 09, 2009

Marvel (Monster) Value Stamps

Remember Marvel Value Stamps? They appeared on the letters page in Marvel comics from 1974 until 1976. Kids cut them out and pasted them in a stamp book that was available through the mail. Of course this also destroyed the value of many Bronze Age comics.

Click on the link below for a complete checklist of Marvel Value Stamps.
Marvel Value Stamps Index

Here's the ones that feature monsters or demons from the Marvel Universe --


  1. Stan Lee Presents: The Mighty Marvel Superheroes Fun Book volume 1 and 2... back in the seventies. i have scanned both books recently... do you know a way to share it best with you and anyone who might like it...
    i had these books as kid and bought them of amazon, to recapture my youth....

    sorry the stamps made me remember i have them! you always have the neatest toys...

  2. I need to check these Marvel monster comics out. I've read through a lot of the EC, Creepy, Eerie, and Hammer magazine stuff, but never the Marvel and DC stuff. Well, I've read some of Man-Thing, but that's about it...
