Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Mighty Marvel Superheroes' Cookbook (1977)

Here's some recipes from The Mighty Marvel Superheroes' Cookbook (1977). If you're really hungry, I highly recommend the Hulk's Spaghetti and Meat Balls.

(click on pictures to enlarge)


  1. How cool is this! The only problem I have is that some of the recipes sound NASTY! I would be willing to try the lasagna but spaghetti with tuna?! Blargh!

  2. Awesome post. I have...memories of this cookbook. Can't say they are fond but they are memories just the same haha! Thanks!

  3. good cookies ideas... i am going to make a batch...


  4. I remember seeing and skipping this back in the day... and looking at many of the recipes I see it was a wise move! Thanks for posting some of it, though. Bologna and ketchup? Cottage cheese lasagna? Oof!

    The thing that struck me most immediately upon being reminded of the cover is how much it may throw many younger (as in much under 40) comics fans to see Marvel put out something with a group shot of characters and not have Wolverine in the shot. In 1977, he was there (along with the "new" X-Men) but they were still mostly fairly minor characters.

  5. WTF? jajajjaa I don't know nothing about a cookbook from Marvel, and what kind of recipes get, Hulk's Gamma green jelly, Wolverine special strip meat, Captain America liberty cake, Spiderman spaghetti web.Generic Viagra Buy Viagra.

  6. I had this book when I was a kid. I remember the Spider-man pancakes. They were normal pancakes with chocolate syrup on top in a web pattern.

    After seeing this, I remember how disgusting most of the recipes were. thanks for posting this!
