Monday, April 05, 2010

Shogun Cowboy Boots & Stormtroopers

Faithful Wonderful Wonderblog reader Chris Shary loves the Shogun Warriors. So much so, he had a pair of Mazinga cowboy boots custom made. He though I'd like to see them. He was right!

Here's what Chris had to say about them --

"Well here's what I can tell you, I'm an artist/high school teacher who has done loads of artwork for punk bands, most notably, DESCENDENTS (people seem to know them better than most), and a couple years back I sold off a lot of shirts on eBay to fund getting my own cowboy boots custom made. I found a great guy by the name of George Millward who I wanted to make a pair for me.
I designed the boots to mimic the classic facing Indian heads motif, as I wanted to pay respect for the craft but have it say something about me. I love robots, comics, and toys and Mazinga was about my favorite toy as a boy, so I figured why not do that instead. George thought it was a bit nuts, but went along with it. It took a year and a half to actually get them, in fact the week before my school year started, but man was it worth it. I wear them all the time, and they by no means are a show piece. Well that's about it. In case you're wondering I paid $1000 for them (as I said I sold shirts on eBay to fund that because no way I could afford it any other way), and George has told me he has destroyed the pattern, as he has no intention of making another like them. I have designed an Ultraman pair and a Batman Beyond pair as well, and we'll just have to wait and see if I win the Lottery to get those made. Enjoy the photos!"

Chris is equally thrilled at the Super 7 Stormtrooper Shogun coming out very soon. Now, that is cool!