Monday, April 19, 2010

The Zombie's Hand

The Zombie's Hand

The friend of a guy I work with has a webcomic on Zuda Comics. What is Zuda Comics? From Wikipedia --

"Zuda Comics is DC Comics' webcomics imprint. Zuda has competitions that are open for comic creators to submit their own eight-page comics. Each month ten are selected to compete by editorial. Users can vote for their favorite and the winner receives a contract to continue their comic on Zuda with 52 more screens. When the contract is filled, if the comic is liked enough it can be renewed for an additional "season". "

His comic is called The Zombie's Hand. I read it and I liked it. Here's a synopsis --

"Eddie Cadaver, a local punk/goth rock idol is murdered by his band mates and he re-animates as a flesh-eating ghoul."

I'm asking all of my faithful readers to please go to Zuda Comics and vote for it. You'll have to sign up for a Zuda account, but it's free. Voting ends at the end of April.

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