Monday, May 24, 2010


What did you think of the LOST finale? Please vote in my poll over in the sidebar. It'll be up for about a week.

I enjoyed it. I'm not one to nit-pick. Of course, I'd have liked to have seen more of the questions answered. But, whatever happened, happened. Hopefully the extra 20 minutes on the Season 6 DVD will answer some of them.


  1. I liked it a lot. My only nitpick would be that I wish the reunion at the end had been at the concert, or on the beach or... somewhere other than a church.

  2. I still have a lot of unanswered questions, and everyone I talked to today had a different take on what had happened. I'm happy with the ending, would have liked a little more tied up loose ends, but oh well. I'm going to watch it again tomorrow.

  3. I thought it was okay. Bringing a show like that to a universally satisfactory conclusion would be asking too much. But then I loved how Twin Peaks ended and I know how many fans hated it. Such a dark ending probably wouldn't have suited this show.

  4. The problem most who were disappointed seem to have is not with what was in the finale but what wasn't in it--more answers. I would have liked more as well, but I knew they wouldn't answer everything and I still loved the finale, especially the alternate reality.

    Notice that it was a very nondenominational church.

  5. There should be a choice in your poll for those of us who were never interested in watching a single episode of that nonsense.
