Sunday, June 06, 2010

Evil Meatball vs. Cat!

I've seen this website mentioned on a couple of other blogs and thought I'd give my two cents about it. Evil Meatball vs. Cat features vintage toys that could have been. I had a blast going through their archives. Here's some toys that I wish were in my collecction --


  1. Found it this morning, too, and love it. Great stuff!

  2. ha ha! these are great! I like the britney costume.

  3. I would definitely love the Fish finger puppet!

  4. Meatball here, thanks for the plug! I have some good news for you if you'd really like to add one to your collection.. A Frank Frazetta Paint By Number of the Death Dealer actually exists! I found this out while researching to create mine. It's rare, but it's out there!

  5. Hey Meatball, thanks for stopping by! Hopefully that paint by number will show up at my local thrift store someday :)
