Wednesday, July 14, 2010

4th Anniversary and a Give-Away

July 18th marks the fourth anniversary of the Wonderful Wonderblog. Who knew that I would still be blogging all these years later and people would actually look at what I post. It amazes me. I would like to thank everyone that visits and especially the people that leave a comment. I really appreciate it. I'm working on putting together some posts that feature the "best of" the Wonderful Wonderblog. They should start showing up in a few days.

To celebrate, I'm having a give-away. All you have to do to win is be or become a follower of the Wonderful Wonderblog and leave a comment that says you would like to win. Make sure that you either leave an email address in your comment or it is listed in your profile so that I can contact the winner. That's it. What do you win? A sealed DVD of the documentary The Sci-Fi Boys. I will pick a winner on July 29 (my birthday). Here's a description of the movie from the back cover --

Peter Jackson, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, John Landis, Dennis Muren, Ray Bradbury, Rick Baker, Roger Corman, Ray Harryhausen and other legendary all-stars of cinema bring to life the evolution of science-fiction and special-effects films from the wild and funny days of B movies to blockbusters that have captured the world's imagination. This is the story of the Sci-Fi Boys, who started out as kids making amateur movies inspired by Forrest J. Ackerman's Famous Monsters magazine and grew up to take Hollywood by storm, inventing the art and technology for filming anything the mind can dream.

Good luck and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for taking the time to produce the blog, and thanks for the contest! (hope I win!)

  2. Congrats on the anniversary and, in hopes of winning the dvd, you have formally become the first person that I follow.

    Now, I'm going to have to mention all the others I follow. I hope you're satisfied!

  3. Congratulations on your fourth anniversary - this month marks my blog's fifth and I know what you mean; someone's actually reading what I post! What a concept.

    But ona different note - I would most definitely love to win; it looks lieka fun disc and one I would display proudly on my shelf between "Scarface (2-Disc Platinum Edition)" and "Sci-Fi Classics" (containing "The Giant Gila Monster" and "Creature from the Haunted Sea")!

    Again, congratulations four-fold to you!

    - TGWD

  4. Congrats!! Keep up the good work. That looks like a good movie.

  5. Well congrats on the Anniversary and a blog well done! And an early Happy Birthday too. Our birthdays are 5 days apart, mine is Aug. 2...that makes us both Leos! :o)
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Happy Anniversary. I'd like to be in the running for this fine prize. Happy B-day in advance!

  7. I grew up consuming every issue of Famous Monsters, so I'd love to see this.

    boris dot cynthia
