Friday, July 02, 2010

An American Idea (Disc 1007)

I had hoped to share all of these An American Idea albums by July 4th. Well, that ain't gonna happen. I've had over six months to rip these records and I didn't do it. I suck.

Anyhoo, here's Disc 1007. It features air dates January 12, 1976 to February 7, 1976.

Click here to read the history of these records and to download Disc 1006.

Track Listing

Cut/Air Date/Program Title

1. 1/12 Mae West
2. 1/13 Harry Houdini
3. 1/14 Bill "Bojangles" Robinson
4. 1/15 Charlie Chaplin
5. 1/16 Lily Langtry
6. 1/17 Humphrey Bogart
7. 1/19 Robert E. Lee
8. 1/20 Presidential Inaugurations
9. 1/21 George Washington Carver
10. 1/22 The First American Novel
11. 1/23 The Golden Spike
12. 1/24 Haym Solomon
13. 1/26 Basketball
14. 1/27 Skiing in USA
15. 1/28 Pinkerton
16. 1/29 Ralph Bunche
17. 1/30 Bourbon
18. 1/31 Carry Nation
19. 2/2 Groundhog Day
20. 2/3 The Four Chaplains
21. 2/4 George Eastman
22. 2/5 Samuel F.B. Morse
23. 2/6 Clara Barton
24. 2/7 Molly Pitcher

Click the link below to download --

--> An American Idea (Disc 1007) <--


  1. I think I have one of these buried in my collection somewhere.
    I really enjoy your blog, by the way. Good stuff! Keep it up!

  2. Hey now! You definitely don't suck so don't be so hard on yourself, although I would love to get the rest of the 'An American Idea' volumes, I will wait patiently and be back to your site often to see if there are more added, because your site is awesome! Love it and thank you! :)
