Thursday, August 19, 2010

Where Have I Been?

Sorry I haven't been blogging much lately. I didn't have an internet connection for almost a week! Man that really sucked. I was going through withdrawals. It's taken me three days just to catch up on everything. Plus I've been working a lot of overtime and I'm just really tired. I've also started to gather stuff for this years Countdown to Halloween. I hope I'll be able to make a post-a-day for October (we'll see).

But, now I'm back. I have a few blog posts I'm working on and hope to have them up in the very near future.

Until then, enjoy this photo of a zebra I took at an animal park a few years ago.


  1. Nice picture! Do you still have the camera or is that right before he ate it :D


  2. Welcome back. Good thing nobody important died in the last week. You're my go-to guy for obits!
    (btw. I am really looking forward to your Halloween posts.)
