Saturday, October 02, 2010

Green Lantern Costume by Ben Cooper

I have been saving eBay photos of classic Ben Cooper Halloween costumes for a couple of months now. I will share some of my favorites during the month. First up is Green Lantern.

(click on pictures to make them bigger)


  1. I'm looking forward to all of your posts, Erick.

  2. My mom made all our costumes, so we never bought any of these. They sure are creepy now!

  3. John -- I'm looking forward to yours too.

    Michael -- Do you mean that your mom's home made costumes are creepy or the store bought ones? :)

  4. Haha. The store bought ones are creepy. Though I suspect the homemade ones are creepy now, all covered with mould & cobwebs.
    (It took me a long time to rsvp since for some reason I can't access your blog via Explorer, I had to go to Mozilla.)
