Sunday, October 31, 2010

Highbury Cemetery

One of the coolest things to come out of this year's Countdown to Halloween is that I discovered the Highbury Cemetery blog. Not only is it a cool blog about making a yard haunt, but I also found out that we live in the same city.

Earlier today I took a visit to Highbury Cemetery and met Highbury and his brother Scrapes. They are a couple of very creative guys that love Halloween and I must say they have done a wonderful job on the yard. Highbury said they expect at least 200 trick-or-treaters tonight. Wow! That's a lot of kids. We had trick-or-treat last night in my area and we only had 32 kids show up. Needless to say I have a lot of left-over candy.

I hope everything goes as planned at the Highbury Cemetery tonight. Those kids are in for a real treat. Thanks again Highbury and Scrapes for letting me visit your haunted yard. I really enjoyed seeing it. I only wish I could've seen it at night with all the lights and fog.

Make sure you visit the Highbury Cemetery blog to see all of the hard work they put into the display. And I'm sure after tonight they will have some new photos up showing everything in action.

Here's some photos I took of the display --


  1. Erick,
    It was great meeting you! Thanks for stopping by and spreading the word!

  2. Wow!That place looks cool! I'd love to visit!
