Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mike Esposito, R.I.P.

From Comic Book Resources --

One of the more prolific inkers in comic book history, Mike Esposito, has passed away at the age of 83.

Mark Evanier has the details at his website here

Esposito is mostly known for all the great work that he did with his longtime friend, the late, great Ross Andru, but he worked on a number of other comic books over the years. He was John Romita’s primary inker on most of Romita’s run on Amazing Spider-Man, he inked Bob Brown on the Avengers and he inked on a number of Archie comics well into the late 1990s!

He left behind an impressive comic book legacy and he will be greatly missed.

(The Frankenstein Monster #15 - cover art by Gil Kane and Mike Esposito)

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