Friday, October 22, 2010

New Old Halloween Photos

I've shared a whole bunch of my old Halloween photos over the last few years. To my surprise I managed to find some new old photos this year.

I'm pretty sure this is my mom. The photo is dated 1968 on the back.

This is my wife. Probably from around 1972/1973.

Oh, what the heck. Here's some of my favorites that I've shared before.

1972 - my brother and me.

1975 - I'm the second from the left and my brother is the 6 Million Dollar Man.

1979? - Me as Gene Simmons.

1979? - My brother as Peter Criss.

1984 - The Nerd Family. Me, mom, dad and my brother.

1991 - My brother as Norm from Cheers.

1995 - I'm The Wolfman.

1996 - My son and wife.

2003 - I'm the Skipper.

2004 - Me as Uncle Fester.

2004 - My nephew as the Hamburglar.

2005 - Me as Fat Albert.

2005 - My son as the headless butler.


  1. Man, you're lucky, Erick. I don't think any of mine are still around. Great stuff!

  2. I want to steal the Fester idea, but I'm afraid if I shave my head, it won't grow back.

  3. Those are all GREAT! I was Gene back in '79, too! (and in 1997)
