Sunday, January 16, 2011

Heroes World Superhero Catalogue Part II

Here's the first 10 pages from inside the Heroes World Superhero Catalogue Vol. 7, Fall, 1978. You can see the front and back covers here.

(click on the pictures to make them bigger)

1. The Art of Neal Adams

2. Ivan Snyder: Peerless Publisher
Joe Kubert: Editor Emeritus
Duffy Vohland: Editor and Stuff
Jim Kimak: Asst. Editor and Stuff

Writers * Artists * Letters * Colorists
and Productioners

Bob Budiansky - Warren Storob
Jose Betemit - Dickie McKenzie
Dennis Cowan - Sue Krol
Mike Higgins - Rudy Nebres
Sharon Ing - Mark Rogan
David Kasakove - Jim Salicrup
Tony Santo - Roger Slifer
Steve Bissette, Rick Veitch and
the rest of the students of the
Joe Kubert School of Cartoon
and Graphic Art, Inc.

3. Spidey's Web (and a Hulk Van).
I'm pretty sure we used to have the Energized Sper-Man.

4. More Spidey stuff

5. Even more Spidey stuff
6. This page features Spider-Man stuff
7. Star Wars
8. More Star Wars stuff.
My brother had all of the action figures and the Death Star.
I still have the C-3PO pendant.
9. This Is The Stellar Star World of the Mego Micronauts
10. I love the Micronauts!
I still have all of my figures and vehicles from my childhood. 

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