Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Ninth Annual Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards

It's time to vote for the Rondo Awards!

The Rondos, now in their ninth year, are fandom's only classic horror award, decided by fans, for fans, and dedicated to preserving the undying spirit of monsters past.

Every Rondo nominee is being recognized for a significant achievement in the genre during the year of 2010.

Click here for the official rules and ballot. Voting ends March 27, 2011.

For the "Best Blog of 2010" I am endorsing Frankensteinia. Please read this post on The Drunken Severed Head blog on why you should vote for Frankensteinia.


  1. Why doesn't someone vote for Monster Cafe Saltillo? Look for us on Facebook!

  2. "Why doesn't someone vote for Monster Cafe Saltillo?"

    Because there is no category that "Monster Cafe Saltillo" would fit in. "Best Fan Event" is probably the closest category that would be appropriate.

    I see you just started a thread yesterday in the Rondo Award section of the Classic Horror Film Board titled "Would it kill the Rondo awards to vote for Monster Cafe Saltillo?" Presuming you meant "nominate" instead "vote for" (as the Rondos nominate and FANS vote)you might want to try to sound more cajoling than complaining if you hope to gather up write-in votes. But if your sole purpose is to publicize, then I guess you aren't doing too badly.

    Part of the fault lies in the fact that you haven't posted in sites like this a lot about your place of business until AFTER the ballot came out. So it escaped attention.

    I've seen the photos you posted on Facebook and I certainly DO want to visit your cafe! It would make a great meeting place for horror fans. Just remember that fans have to KNOW about you to say much about you or vote for you.

  3. Erick, I want to say "Thanks! for the link to my blog, and to commend you on your Rondo vote for FRANKENSTEINIA! I always knew you were a man of excellent taste.

  4. Thanks Erick and sorry if I come off strongly. Seems I have been writing about it for awhile now and can't seem to get it any attention. I emailed Scary Monsters mag multiple times stating I would pay for ads and was ignored over the years. So there ya go. I'm just a bitter guy! lol Love your blog and read it often.
