Saturday, March 26, 2011

We Have A Winner!

Well, that didn't take as long as I thought it would.

Congratulations to faithful Wonderful Wonderblog reader Chris! Here's his answers --

OK I knew almost all of these immediately. How lame does that make me?
1. Devil Slayer
2. The Shroud
3. Blue Diamond
4. Paladin
5. Prowler
6. Bloodstone
7. Star Fox (Eros)
8. Omega The Unknown
9. Jack of Hearts (wife is going to make me a costume!!!)
10. Stiltman
11. Porcupine
12. Batroc Ze Leaper
13. Dragonman
14. Gargoyle
15. Wundarr (loved Project Pegasus)
Well, how sad is it I knew them all?

I don't think that you are sad or lame. I think you're awesome! :)

Have fun spending your $70 at CSN Stores.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I got the "Porcupine," but I wasn't sure because I kept think "Wicker Man." Now I'm thinking that "Wicker Man" was a sarcastic name for one of Bruce Wayne's armor suits in Tim Burton's Batman.
