Thursday, June 30, 2011

Monster Bash 2011 Recap

I managed to make it to the Monster Bash last Friday. Had a great time as usual. I was a little short on cash, but that's OK, I still bought some cool monster stuff. Here's my haul --

Horror Host Graveyard Trading Cards Series 1 and 2
Marvel Essential horror books --
Ghost Rider Vol. 2
Marvel Horror Vol. 1
Tomb of Dracula Vol. 2
Tomb of Dracula Vol. 3
Tomb of Dracula Vol. 4

Not too bad. I also got autographs from Dawn Wells and Caroline Munro. Later that night I attended a special screening of two horror related episodes of Gilligan's Island and a Q&A with Dawn Wells. It was really cool listening to Dawn's stories. She's very down to earth. But, the best part of the Bash was hanging out with Max the Drunken Severed Head. Max is a great guy and very generous. We walked around the dealer room and even went to his hotel room for some refreshments and great conversation. Thanks Max, I had a blast. I only wish I could have stayed longer. Make sure you follow Max on these sites --

Famous Monsters of Filmland

The only downside to the Bash was that they didn't have a t-shirt in my size. This is the second time this has happened. You'd think they would have XXL shirts. I saw a whole bunch of overweight monster kids walking around. Oh well, their loss. :)

Here's my pics --

Vampires in the hotel lobby.

Cortlandt Hull's The Witch's Dungeon

The lovely Dawn Wells

Me and the not-so-lovely Max

The also lovely Caroline Munro

Caroline Munro as Stella Star from the movie Starcrash. Now all I need is the Hoff's autograph.

Q&A with Dawn Wells.

Gilligan and the Skipper made a special appearance.


  1. That's looks like a great time indeed! How cool that you got to hang with a fellow blogger too! You guys look like you're having fun. And Wow does MaryAnn still great or what?! Have a great holiday weekend Erick! :o)

  2. Thanks Wendy. I really did have a great time. Happy 4th to you, too!

  3. Thanks for posting the pictures Erick. The Bash just looks like so much fun. It reminds me of the way sci fi and comic cons USED to be, run by fans who really cared, and more like an intimate extended family gathering. I really need to go next year.


  4. I'm very jealous indeed. Had my first crush on Dawn and a later more mature crush on Caroline.

  5. Karen -- The Bash is kinda like a family gathering. You really should go next year.

    Michael -- I still have a crush on them :)

  6. Erick, getting to see you for awhile was a very nice surprise. I only wish we could have spent more time hanging out!

    Thanks much for the kind words my friend--and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
