Sunday, June 12, 2011

Raiders of the Lost Ark 30th Anniversary

Today is the 30th anniversary of the release of Raiders of the Lost Ark. I remember seeing it in the theater and loving it. I feel really old now.

Check out the Dave Lowe Design blog for a Raiders of the Lost Blog-a-thon. From his blog --

The plan for my blog-a-thon will be 30 daily posts celebrating it's 30 years. Some posts will be nostalgic fanboy tales growing up. Some will spotlight the art and design of the movie (always a favorite topic here). Some will be inspired sketches or doodles of mine. Some just random cool or fun things I've found on the web. I may even make a themed prop or two. Overall, it will be smorgasbord of things, but hopefully fun to read. My web comic Para Abnormal is also celebrating with Indiana Jones themed cartoons all month.
He also has a link to other sites that are joining the blog-a-thon.

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