Monday, July 18, 2011

5 Year Blogiversary!

I created Wonderful Wonderblog five years ago today! I had no idea what I was doing or what I would blog about. Things really haven't changed that much. :) Thanks everyone for sticking around.


  1. Congrats! Five years is a huge accomplishment. Keep on truckin', baby1

  2. how does it feel to be part of this great blog world and you being a major part of it's success... here is to 5 years [i raise my proverbial glass] and to the next 5 years... will you always share the fun side of monster, madmen and music...

    jeremy [iZombie]

  3. Congratulations Erick! Keep writing, and we'll keep reading :)

  4. Sorry to be a couple of days late with this, but congratulations! I look forward to reading another 5 years and another!

  5. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for having such a 'wonderful wonderblog'!
