Sunday, October 30, 2011


I went outside around 8:00 to put the trash can on the curb. And then I noticed that I have been vandalized. Someone busted up my tombstones and pulled my monsters out of the ground. Nothing is missing and they didn't touch the cemetery gateway. It was probably some punk kids. It looks like they may have run up to my decorations and kicked them. I'm not out a lot of money. I bought those tombstones at a garage sale for 25¢ each. It just makes me mad that some people have no respect for someone else's property.


  1. That royally sucks! Though, I'm sure it could've been far worse.

    I blame the Smashing Pumpkins!

  2. sad, sad... nice work you put in only to be wiped out the ghouls.

    chin up, i and we all appreciate the work put into it all.

  3. ERRRRR. I feel your pain. Try not to let it get you down.Have a great Halloween despite the vandals!

  4. Kids these days are so board! Check you tube I'm sure the idiots will post the video of the kicking and giggling seems to be what they do these days. Really sorry they took out your display.

  5. Sorry that they did that. Happy Halloween to you, in spite of the tricks you didn't deserve, I hope you get some treats before the day is out.

  6. I'll be over in a few to help find the guilty. I'll bring the axe...
