Monday, October 03, 2011

Halloween With Gordo

A big thank you to Wonderful Wonderblog reader Gordie "Gordo" Adams for sharing some of his Halloween memories and photos. Here's his story --

I live in Saint Helena CA, but grew up just down the Hwy in Napa through the Eighties.

1977 Gene Simmons
Halloween has always been a great time and it's hard to pick just one favorite. The Gene year was fun because I wore it to the Cub Scouts party and all my fellow Wolfpack were impressed and suddenly shorter than I. Unfortunately that year while trick n treating, some coward of a punk stole my candy bag on the street and I went home crying. Real tough guy stealing from a skinny kid in high heels who can't run! My sister begrudgingly split her haul with me.

1976 Girl Scout

Also at a Cub Scouts party I wore my sisters Girl Scout Uniform and once again killed with my fellow scouts. Totally my idea.

I started [at the post office] in October of 1988 and was able to dress up within two weeks of being hired. My Post Office is quite small and the Supervisors over the years have been very encouraging in indulging my dress up tendencies.

I also dress up for Christmas as a Dickensian character ala: Bob Cratchitt. On Valentines day one year, I wore a red vest, white tutu and red frilly bloomers. Once.

The people in SH look forward to my costumes and are very disappointed if I don't dress up. I have usually had long hair and once dressed up as a mail lady and since SH is touristy, not everyone could tell I was in costume and I fooled many store owners also. Over the years the costumes have become more practical since I have to be on my feet all day. The ACE costume was the true test.

Halloween night of course, I decorate the house and often will show movies on a screen outside my house. 16mm movies projected, not this newfangled DVD projector stuff. (Though, I admit I'd have more range if I did use DVDs.)

My father died at 7:30 on Halloween night in 1992 and we always raise a glass in his honor. I will never be sad remembering his death date, because Halloween is my favorite day of the year.

As you can see, I do delight in the DIY ethic and will keep it up as long as I can.

Here's a few more photos --

1973 Spock

2005 Cornelius

2007 Clark Kent
2010 Spaceman Skateboarder

Gordie also has a podcast. Download/subscribe for free at the iTunes Store keyword: Gordcast or

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