Sunday, October 16, 2011

Movie Monster Mazes - Part 1

Here's a nifty little book from 1976. It's called Movie Monster Mazes by Vladimir Koziakin. It contains "A panoramic journey through FIFTY (not Forty-Nine) FIFTY Monstrous Mazes!" Some of the mazes have been filled in already, they were done by the previous owner of this book. I hope to share the whole thing before Halloween. Here's Part 1 --


  1. WOW! I remember owning this!! Man, I wish I still did! Have to dig around at my mom's house and see if it still lurks somewhere.

  2. I used to have a copy of this book too but it is long gone. I remember getting it in middle school as part of the Scholastic Book Club. I rushed home after school and enjoyed doing the mazes.

  3. me too, me too... i had this as a kid and never did any of the puzzles cause i liked it. i wish i still had it today. thank you!

  4. YES! I had this book, too and it was through this book that I discovered many classic monster movies. My daughter just started doing mazes and I was thinking that I'd love for her to have this book.
    Thanks for sharing!

