Thursday, December 01, 2011

Bring Archie Back to Chapel Hill Mall

Back in 2008 I made a post about Archie The Snowman. Archie was a 20 foot snowman that greeted children at Chapel Hill Mall every Christmas for 35 years. When new management took over the mall in 2004 they got rid of him. Sadly, it looks like Archie has been destroyed.

But, have no fear! A group on Facebook is trying to resurrect the giant snowman. Click the link below for more details --

Bring Archie Back to Chapel Hill Mall

Hopefully they can rebuild him and find him a new home. Here's some photos of Archie through the years (courtesy of the Facebook group) --


  1. I appreciate all of your support! I'm now on Facebook, Chapel Hill!

    Love, ARCHIE

  2. You are not too far from where I am stuck...Just east of Charlotte...
    Good Blog... Great content...
