Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wonder Woman vs. KISS

WOW! I just don't know what to say about this. It's kinda cool and disturbing at the same time. Found this at Dangerous Minds. Here's what they had to say about it --

Lynda Carter’s rock and roll fantasy from her 1980 TV special Encore.

I find this an almost perfect collision of pop culture iconography that could have only existed in the era of spandex, platform shoes, disco balls and hairspray - twixt the end of the punkish 70s and the dawning of the gloriously absurd 80s.


  1. that is the single most scary thing i have seen in the new year. i love both of those things... not together.

    though you are a mad man... thank you
    may i steal it for a post, i will give you props.

    happy day!

  2. Steal away! I "borrowed" it from someone else.

  3. Combining something that I really love (Lynda Carter) with something that I'm not all that fond of (KISS) into a melange that totally satisfies makes this the Reeses Peanut-Butter Cup of pop culture!

    I couldn't take my eyes off of Lynda's "costume", and so was blinded by the close-ups of KISS-garbed dancers. How can I watch when I want to gauge my eyes out at the same time that they pop out like a cartoon wolf?


    Thanks for the awesome!
    Now, I have to find this special and watch it all.
