Monday, July 02, 2012

America the Beautiful by Vincent Price

I know I haven't been blogging much lately, hopefully someday I'll get back into it.You can follow Wonderful Wonderblog on Facebook. Just click the "like" button in the Facebook badge on the right. I've been posting some stuff over there that's not on the blog.

What I have for you today is something for you to listen to on the Fourth of July. It's a record from1961 called "America the Beautiful - The Heart of America in Poetry" spoken by Vincent Price. This album was originally shared by the blog Azathoth's Abode on the Plateau of Leng back in 2008. This blog has been dormant for sometime and the link to this share is dead. So, I hope they don't mind if I re-share it. Enjoy and have a happy July 4th!

Track Listing

1. Introduction
2. The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers (Elizabeth Barrett Browning)
3. Thanksgiving Day (Lydia Maria Child)
4. Paul Revere's Ride (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
5. The Village Blacksmith (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
6. The Star Spangled Banner (Francis Scott Key)
7. The House by the Side of the Road (Sam Walter Foss)
8. Trees (Joyce Kilmer)
9. The Barefoot Boy (John Greenleaf Whittier)
10. Introduction to Christmas
11. A Visit from St. Nicholas (Clement Clark Moore)
12. O Captain! My Captain! (Walt Whitman)
13. Jesse James (traditional)
14. Casey at the Bat (Ernest L. Thayer)
15. Casey Jones (Wallace Saunders)
16. The New Colossus (Emma Lazarus)
17. Chicago (Carl Sandburg)
18. America for Me (Henry Van Dyke)
19. In Flanders Fields (John McCrea)
20. America the Beautiful (Katharine Lee Bates)

Click the link below to download --

--> America the Beautiful <--

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's awesome! I'll be posting a link here from my own blog on the 4th since I don't really have anything related to post and I love Price.
