Monday, July 30, 2012

Wil Wheaton Loves Me!

Yesterday I posted birthday greetings on Wil Wheaton's blog WWdN: In Exile and this is the conversation that took place --
I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to check out Wonderful Wonderblog, but it's really cool when someone famous likes what you are doing. Thanks Wil!


  1. I don't think Wil has read mine but he did answer a comment I made at his one time. It was very cool to know he'd even read my comment, let alone taken the time to respond. The epitome of "don't be a dick", that's our Wil! ;)

  2. AWESOME! But I'm not surprised--we all love Wonderful Wonderblog :)

  3. that turns out to be the coolest... and he loves you too...


  4. Sweet! I just saw Wil get hit by a truck on Criminal Minds. Glad he had the time to bid greetings from the beyond.
