Monday, September 03, 2012

Labor Day Flea Market Finds

Happy Labor Day! I went to the Hartville Flea Market in Hartville, OH this morning. I usually go every Labor Day and Memorial Day if it's not raining. They have a fair amount of dealers selling old toys, comics, cards, games, glasses, lunchboxes. etc. I was at the flea market for about two hours and only got through half of it. I would stay longer, but I don't drive and my wife doesn't care for flea markets. Two hours is about as long as she will sit in the car by herself waiting for me to come back with bags full of more "junk" lol. Here's what I added to my toy collection --

Krofft Supershow Presents Kaptain Kool and the Kongs Magic Slate for $4.00. I don't think there was a whole lot of merchandising for them.

Mego Micronauts Microtron ($12.00) and Force Commander's steed Oberon ($18.00). I love Micronauts! They're not complete, but they will look good on display (if I ever get around to displaying them).

And three Hero Clix. The Thing, The Hulk and Doc Samson. This guy had a big ol' box of these figures for 3 for $1.00.

I could have bought a bunch more toys, but I was kinda on a budget (and the wife woulda killed me). They also have a farmer's market and I bought a dozen ears of corn for $3.00 and two lbs. of fresh green beans for $2.00.


  1. Those are great finds! Anything related to the Krofft Supershow is pretty uncommon and you can never go wrong with Micronauts.

  2. LOVE the Kaptain Kool and the Kongs sketch board. *jealous!*

  3. Like the Heroclix. I was into them a few years ago. Still have em. I am jonesing to start again though.
