Monday, October 01, 2012

Halloween T-Shirt #1

I have a lot of t-shirts. During October I try to wear a different Halloween or monster shirt every day. Now, you'll get to see them! Yay!!! First up is a new one I bought at Wal Mart a couple of weeks ago. It's kind of got a Teenage Werewolf vibe to it.


  1. I like how you turned the 'sexy' up to 11 for Halloween.

  2. Great shirt Erick...I like how the fur compliments your beard! Looking forward to viewing the entire Halloween collection. "Now just do your little turn on the catwalk!"

    Happy October! :o)

  3. That's the most hideous thing I've ever seen. I want one! (The shirt not the wearer.)

  4. I haven't pinned down any of the Wal-Mart monster shirts yet, glad to get a glimpse of one!
