Monday, October 15, 2012

The Walking Dead Giveaway

To celebrate the return of The Walking Dead last night, I'm having a little giveaway.

The prizes are some promo items I got from my local comic book store. I've got two stickers (they are the same, the photo shows front and back) and seven different pins. The grand prize winner will get the seven pins and one sticker. A runner-up will get one sticker.

Here's how to enter: leave a comment on this post saying you'd like to win and a valid email address. That's it! I'll pick the winners in a week on Oct. 22.

Tell all of your your friends about this awesome giveaway and good luck!


  1. I'm looking forward to the new season--I love that David Morrissey is joining the cast. I want to win!

    Thanks for the opportunity :)

  2. one of the best horror shows on tv...and I so want to win
    love the blog!

  3. I'd like to win the sticker. The pins would just be gravy!

  4. This sounds great! Love the show & the comics (and yor blog as well)! Many thanks for sharing!
