Thursday, November 08, 2012

Akron Comicon

I'm going to this show. It looks like it's going to be really good. Here's some hi-lights from their press release --

Akron Comicon is an event established to help promote newspaper comics and comic-books as an original American art form and viable entertainment medium by bringing creators, dealers, and fans together for a day of fun and interaction designed for the entire family.

Akron Comicon is a one day event scheduled to take place at the University of Akron Student Union Ballroom on Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 303 Carroll Street, Akron, Ohio 44325 from 10am to 6pm.

General admission tickets cost $10 at the door. Admission for Senior Citizens is $5. University Student tickets are $5 with a student I.D. All children age 10 and under are free.

Of our thirty-eight creators, fifteen have been or are working professionals in the comic-book industry. Their works have been or are being published by mainstream publishers in the industry including Archie Comics, DC Comics, Image Comics, and Marvel Comics. The distinguished group includes: Darryl Banks, Mike W. Barr, Tom Batiuk, David Michael Beck, Craig Boldman, Norm Breyfogle, Gerry Conway, Bob Ingersoll, Tony Isabella, Sean Mcardle, P. Craig Russell, Mike Sangiacomo, Joe Staton, Marc Sumerak, and Chris Yambar.

They also have several events scheduled. For more information, check out their website and Facebook. I'll report back after the show with lots of photos.

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