Monday, July 29, 2013

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

It's that time of year again: MY BIRTHDAY!!! Yay me!

I had a really swell birthday weekend. Saturday morning went to Golden Corral for the breakfast buffet with the family. They had deep fried bacon! I thought it would be awesome, but it was just ok. I still prefer regular bacon.

Saturday afternoon I got my Hulk tattoo. Don't let anyone fool you. It hurt like crazy! I'll make a separate tattoo post in a little bit.

Sunday afternoon I saw The Wolverine. I really enjoyed it. Even though it wasn't completely comic book accurate.

And today I noticed I got my own Google Doodle! I have a Google + account that I don't use. Am I the only one that can see this? Or does the whole world know it's my birthday.  lol

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