Saturday, October 05, 2013

Chocolate Chip Spider Cookies

I don't usually post recipes, but this looked cool and really easy to make.

All you have to do is make your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. When you take them out of the oven, while they are still hot and gooey, take a toothpick and draw spider legs with the melted chocolate chips. That's it. Easy peasy.

Original article found here.


  1. I bet it would be hard to get some people to actually eat these. But then... More for me! :)

  2. I made chocolate chip cookies and the minute I pulled them out of the oven I took a toothpick to them. It didn't work the chocolate chips were still firm. I tried doing it a few different ways and it still didn't work. I used Hershey's milk chocolate chips. Should I use a different kind and do you have any other suggestions? I also baked them on a pampered chef baking stone and wondered if that made a difference.
