Sunday, October 27, 2013

What Happened To Trick-Or-Treating?

Last night was trick-or-treat here in Akron, OH from 5 PM until 7 PM. I made 40 treat bags to give out to the little beggars. I had 26 of them left at the end of the night. Last year I gave out 56 bags, two years ago around 60 and three years ago 32. The temperature was in the low 40s and shortly after 5:30 we had some freezing rain for about a minute. Was it too cold out? Do kids not trick-or-treat anymore? Or do they just not come down my street. I don't know. I hope for a better turn out next year.


  1. Wow! The first mistake was likely having kids trick-or-treat on a day other than the 31st. I'm happy to say, trick-or-treating is alive and well in Nova Scotia. We usually get between 150 and 200.

    Enjoy your leftover treats :)

  2. Sad, really. We do get kids, but not as many as in the past. Love your decorations, I'd go up to your door for tricks-or-treats!

  3. 3 words: Trunk or Treat. It's a lot easier for kids (or more likely parents) to walk around a parking lot. Of course, when we were kids a large part of the appeal, maybe even more than candy, was being set free to run out into the night on our own. Now parents walk their children door to door never letting them out of their sight. And I have to agree with Halloween Spirit, having Halloween on any day besides the. 31st is just wrong. Of course I realize that's not your decision. I still have Halloween to look forward to on Thursday. I'll let you know how it goes.

  4. I know a lot of places around the country do it the Saturday before which I guess could be easier for parents and it's not a school night, etc, etc.

    But I do agree, it's not the same as going on the 31st.

    I'm not sure if it's my location either but we don't get many kids. I remember going ToT'ing back in the day and there were lots of kids out.

  5. If it isn't Hallowe'en, it isn't time for Trick or Treat. That said, we generally get between 900-1,000 children on Hallowe'en night. So please, by all means, come and hand out treats in our neighborhood...

  6. hello, could You upload again 46 scariest show themes? PLEASE - mediafire link is broken. Better is - faster and without deleting!


  7. Eric, the problem is that the city makes different times for different neighborhoods. Some on Friday, some on Saturday, and some on Halloween night. Just make it the 31st and stop making things so difficult!! And feel free to stop by the Cemetery on Halloween night. We're hoping for 200 or more kids.

  8. I only got one kid last year. I'm glad I won't be home on Thursday night. But why would anyone try to have trick-or-treating on a day other than the 31st? Grownups having a party the preceding Friday or Saturday makes sense (when the 31st is on a day other than those two), since many have to work the next day. But trick-or treating on the day or weekend before? When did that even start? This certainly doesn't occur in my area.

  9. Sadly, for the past decade, we might get only 2 or 3 groups of a few kids each---and that includes the next-door neighbour kids. Some years no one shows up! Next-next-door neighbour kids might drop by---if they have time after coming home from trick-or-treating somewhere else that they've been driven to.

    One year, the street was empty of kids, then a car drove up, a kid jumped out, ran to the door (while the parent waited in the car), got his candy, ran back to the car, jumped in, and they drove off....

    In the '70s, if there was bad weather it was snow, but we didn't care. We would hit over 100 houses in a couple of hours. We had to use pillow cases to collect our candy because we got so much. As the case filled up, you could give it a twist and then it could be used as a mace against your friends. After getting home, we'd weigh it on the bathroom scale---I'm sure we got at least 7-8 lbs. of candy each year. And we ate every single piece.

    By the way, I enjoy your blog each and every year! Happy Halloween to you in Ohio!

  10. The city regulates when you can trick or treat? I don't understand, I've only gone on Halloween my whole life.
