Monday, December 16, 2013

M-M-Merry Christmas From Max Headroom

Wow! I haven't posted anything for over a month and it's nine days until Christmas. This holiday season is coming way too fast for me. I finally finished my tree yesterday and I have almost all of my decorations up. Also, I've been working a lot of over-time and things are kind of hectic. But, enough about me. You come here for tidings and joy! lol

I have a full box of Max Headroom Christmas cards put out by Hallmark in 1986. I found these at a thrift store many, many years ago for 99¢. I loved Max back in the 80s. Here's the front and inside of the cards.

And here's Max's classic holiday song from 1986 - Merry Christmas Santa Claus (You're a Lovely Guy)


  1. Ya gotta love those thrift store finds!! Good for you.

  2. One of the funniest interviews I ever saw was Max Headroom on David Letterman. Matt Frewer was a great character actor. Not sure why he didn't make it bigger.
