Friday, March 07, 2014

The Quarter Box

Does your local comic book store have boxes full of 25¢ comics? Mine does (Kenmore Komics & Games). Here's a few of the books I've pulled out of it recently.


  1. Holy cow! Some of those are just unbelievably incredible finds!!! You must seriously COMB through those boxes.

  2. How come I never find good stuff like this in quarter bins? :(

  3. Sweet mother of Jeebus, man! So many good things and stuff I remember. Super jelly of the Krofft and BSG books.

  4. Thanks guys! I bought these comics over the past six months or more. He usually has at least four long boxes of quarter books and I look through them every time I go there (about twice a month). He has a well stocked store, that's why I've been going there for the past 30 years.

  5. Great finds! It's always a treat to find cheap bronze age comics.
    Most of the local (Omaha) shop bargain bins are clogged with Valiant and 90s Image overstock. If you find older stuff, if usually looks like someone had eaten it before it got to the quarter box.

  6. Wow! And for 25 cents apiece, too. That's a nice selection. I even see one of mine in there. I don't even have a comic book store anywhere near me, let alone one with a gold mine quarter bin.

  7. I love finding a great selection of comics in discount bins like that, unfortunately my local store doesn't have it, but down the block is a half price books that has provided numerous stacks of comics for my collection as well.

  8. Wow. Seriously some great finds - I'm particularly impressed that you found all of those Marvel Premieres (and a few Spotlights) for 25 cents a pop.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Great finds! My local comic shop has quarter books, but they're all 90s crap. You found some sweet 70s gold.
