Tuesday, October 07, 2014

The Walking Dead Ohio Lottery Instant Tickets

For the second year in a row, the Ohio Lottery has went with a licensed property for their Halloween instant tickets. Last year was Ghostbusters, this year is The Walking Dead. I bought four of the five designs because I only had eight dollars in cash on me.

I scratched off two tickets and my wife scratched off the other two. I won $0 and $2. My wife won $3 and $10! $15 total. Not bad. We came out $7 ahead.

Click here to see all of my previous big winners! What does your states Halloween lottery tickets look like?

UPDATE! With my winnings, I bought five more tickets. I got the design I was missing the first time (see below). It was also the only winning ticket. For $3.00. Oh well, at least they look cool!


  1. Awesome! I divide my time between two states. I hope at least one of them has these!

  2. I just checked--New Jersey sells the Walking Dead tickets! Yes! I'll definitely pick these up!
